Tuesday, April 13, 2010

c is for 'clouds'

As I have walked around town, photographing letters of the alphabet, I'm reminded of seeing images in clouds. Often, we see things that others don't see, and for good reason: the objects of our vision aren't really there! Instead, with some mental gymnastics and a bit of imagination, we see what we see, and then we try to convince others of what we see. And so I find myself with these letters. Are they really there? Would anyone else see them the same way? If I posted these photos without the context of Project ABC or the letter 'c', what would you see instead?

milk crate (handle)

I'm fascinated with this milk crate (handle) because when I first saw it, I immediately saw the letter 'c'. However, after downloading it to my computer, I realized the symmetry in the handle, such that one might see it as an 'o' rather than a 'c'. What makes this interesting are the differing textures created by the two parts of the crate: The 'weave' on the left side of the 'c' and the solid section on its right. I'm reminded of visual illusions and the way our eyes perceive boundaries; it certainly seems to be at play here. I see a 'c' every time.


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