Saturday, March 20, 2010

signs of spring

Itchy eyes, uncontrollable sneezes -- these are the signs of spring that accompany budding trees, blossoming flowers, singing birds, and children on bicycles. We took a trip to the Arnold Arboretum yesterday to walk around and observe the emerging plant life.

Having endured three days of torrential downpour and vicious winds earlier this week, it was quite a blessing to soak in the warm sun and to share in this glorious day with everyone else who chose to spend the afternoon outdoors. We were treated to flooded fields that offered beautiful reflections of the trees, downy woodpeckers flitting about and searching for food, honeybees buzzing at their work, and an energetic little boy who delighted in exploring trails and watching pine cones race down a little stream.

Today marks the first day of spring, 2010. The days continue to lengthen for another three months. My favorite constellation, Orion, lives on above for another month or so before departing the skies until November. Yes, these are the signs of spring.

Dirty knees from playing in the mud... Those are signs of spring, too. But these dirty knees are the result of tripping on a tree root and falling down. =)