Tuesday, January 4, 2011

one more installment of black-and-white

I took most of these photographs months and months ago (some as long ago as April or May) and only recently developed the rolls. Imagine my excitement as I put three rolls through the chemicals, not knowing what would appear once finished because I had no recollection of when I shot the rolls, or where! I found photographs from New York City, Cape Cod, and Acadia. Here are a few that I scanned and uploaded.

arches on Broadway

Bridges have always fascinated me, appealing to my appreciation of geometry, math, and architecture, not to mention my deep wonder at how these structures support so much weight. I love the repetition of arches into the distance, and I also love the way the small aperture allows for good detail even on the far reaches of the bridge. The cars turning onto this street are heading toward... One can only guess!

preparing for lunch

The dark interior of this Indian restaurant provided an interesting shot, and I remember using the table as a makeshift tripod so that I could use a slower shutter speed. I also remember thinking that the restaurant would soon fill up with hungry patrons, but it never did. Brooke and I were the only ones in there that afternoon.

i'm going to get you with my crab claws!

Yes, definitely weird. I think the photo's title says plenty.

early morning on cadillac

I took this photograph early one morning in June as John and I waited for the sunrise on Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park. Although no one else made the hike up, as we did, a number of people waited in their cars on this chilly morning. Those who ventured out ended up backlit by the increasing light, and I captured this group with a crescent moon high above.

pop at hunter's

This is another photo from Acadia, though I took this portrait of Pop much later in the summer, during our August visit and a trip to Hunter's Beach.

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