Monday, August 16, 2010


sunrise and moonset on cadillac

I've been exploring silhouettes as a way to make my photographs more interesting, whether taken at sunset and sunrise, or at other points in the day when the harsh lighting makes for difficult exposure. The goal is to produce a scene that goes beyond the typical sunrise and sunset photographs with their vivid pinks, reds, oranges, and yellows.

For the most part, people form the silhouettes, dark and faceless outlines that invite the viewer to create their own narratives or to insert themselves into the frame. I am particularly drawn to the lone figures in these images. I wonder whether they choose their solitude, and I wonder about the peace they find in this time by themselves.

Whether alone or with companions, these people always exude a feeling of awe, of deference to a higher power from which great beauty emerges. As powerful as any one of us may be, and as powerful we may be as a collective, the passing of each day and the rising and setting of the sun, the introduction and withdrawal of light -- those are things we can only watch and not control.

end of the day


sunset at ellis landing

1 comment:

Daniela said...

An image with a silhouette is always a mistery. If you have imagination, you can say stories started from a silhouette'picture. In therapy,the client can project feelings on the silhouette and we can discuss her feelings much easier, talking about the silhouette!
Anyway, your pictures are great, like always!!