Thursday, April 15, 2010

the letter e

'E' is for exceedingly late, which is what my BoltBus was this evening. I ended up on the corner of 8th and 34th with over a hundred other would-be passengers, all of us eagerly shifting toward each approaching bus, only to recede in dejection upon learning that that was not our black-and-orange steed come to rescue us from citydom. My ticket was for 6:30pm. Finally, at 7:30pm, a bus arrived, but the 6pm passengers had to board first... Yes! The bus was that late!

But here I am, comfortably nestled in my seat, stomach full of Chipotle's chicken fajita burrito, blogging away. Today, day five, is that of the letter 'E':

meter maid, part II

I double-dipped on the parking meter, something I wanted to avoid as I began this project, but the opportunity to photograph both a "D" and an "E" was too tempting.

tail light

I forget which SUV I found this tail light on, but I've seen several since and, from now on, will always think "E" when I see one. This is a bit like one of those optical illusions, Escher-like in that the image is not quite possible. The E is formed from both the black and colored parts of the tail light. If you look at the colored segments separately, you only have the arms, and no body, for the letter 'E'. And yet if you look at the black portion only, the 'E' has a body and four arms. Oops. Somehow, in its gestalt, we have an 'E'.

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